Etomarkets is the black platform!Abnormal quotation swallowed a watch brother at 350,000 US dollars to question!

2024-05-11 12:08:31 资讯 要懂汇

Etomarkets is the black platform!Abnormal quotation swallowed a watch brother at 350,000 US dollars to question!

Etomarkets was established in Australia in 2013.Self -claiming to be a trading platform for customers to provide global online transactions and financial services!At the same time, the first long -term residents who entered the blacklist of my brother are the black brokers who understand the real hammer!

Recently, Etomarkets has been a demon again, and once again leads the boom of public opinion!


The wrong price causes the watch brother to burst out

The watch brother is a well -known trading trader, and it is also the three FollowMe competition trading champion!

Recently, such a trading master encountered Waterloo in the "wrong price" through Etomarkets in a silver transaction, resulting in a account loss of up to 350,000 US dollars and arguing!In the confrontation with the watch brother, Etomarkets perfectly shows the faction of a black broker and black platform!   

The content of the following picture comes from the publicly broke the news of the watch brother!


The incident occurred on November 20. As shown in the figure above, Etomarkets silver prices are obviously abnormal quotations compared to other brokers.The watch brother also burst out and feedback Etomarkets, hoping that it can handle it properly!

ETO's "processing"


The processing method of Etomarkets is very direct!Don't ignore the feedback and reasonable demands of the watch brother!And silently banned the watch brother's account "6207010"!This is simply not pretending, right?Intersection

After some negotiations from the watch (not announced), Etomarkets finally restored the watch brother's account, but it did not fully "restore" ... Etomarkets shamelessly handled the "abnormal quotation data"!Fortunately, the watch brother is worthy of an experienced trading trader. He saved the relevant information screenshots in advance and exposed the bad behavior of Etomarkets on the Internet!

This has the above -mentioned related pictures to proof!At the same time, this matter is also warned that in the trading market, any emergencies must be left in the trading market to actively retain relevant evidence to prevent it!

New progress -ETO rumors?   

As the incident is caused by the incident!Etomarkets obviously unable to sit still, and said secretly in private- "It is not that he does not compensate himself, but that the person requires too much, and there is more than the highest point!"When you come on the Internet, you can ask who can I say that there is a lottery besides the Shammu Shadow watch? 



As of November 28, the watch brother posted again!

Refucaries on remarks released by Etomarkets!And took out the claim requesting the claims issued to Etomarkets on November 20. We can see that the watch brother asked to return to the final closing price at that time, which is the point of 23.69!This is seriously inconsistent with ETOMARKETS to give "points of 24.13 points"!

At this point, who is the who is not a good friend who must have their own judgment. At the same time, the watch brother also said that the police and supervision have begun to investigate.Let's wait and see the progress of the next, understand that Brother will continue to follow up!

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The coincidence behind ETO

In a series of complaints, the watch brothers mentioned that "the bosses and teams behind Etomarkets are some Chinese immigrants to Australia. They also said that they seem to have done many illegal companies."   

In view of its money, I understand that my brother can only stand up and say: If so!Coincidentally!

Heavy name with the original boss of TMGM

For example, ETOMARKETSLimited, a company supervised by Etomarkets, is under the director of Etomarketslimited, the director -Weichen (translation: Chen Wei)!

Chen Wei, the original boss of the broker TMGM in New Zealand!And, it is worth mentioning that there are many Chinese names in TMGM New Zealand!

Consistent with Demo Capital Address


For another example, Etomarkets is consistent with the address of the registered trademark of Dexuan Capital!If you understand brother, ask, how can the two goodbye addresses be consistent?This is how many investors are preparing to flicker!Is this the same as the same flow, or is it a routine?

The predecessor is ETORO?   

At the same time, you can see that ETORO and securities firms Etomarkets are the same place in the same place in the same place!That's the same family!At the same time, ETORO's entity in Australia is actually the predecessor of Etomarkets!      

Trading platform and regulatory information

In addition to the above -mentioned "coincidence", Etomarkets' supervision also mentioned before!Simply sort out today.

Australia ASIC

The first is the ETOGROUPPTYLTD under Australian ASIC supervision. This is a complete and most credible regulatory license held by Etomarkets!But somehow, although the license is still held, it is no longer publicity and display!

St. Vincent FSA

At the company mentioned at the end of Etomarkets, EtomarketsLCC is not under the supervision of San Vincent FSA at all!Even if there is, it is not possible to regulate foreign exchange through the San Vincent FSA supervision.There are obvious regulatory limitations!

Seychelles FSA

Therefore, at present, only EtomarketsLimited, the company's entity that the Seychel FSA supervision, is on the countertop of Etomarkets!   

This is also the only company entity currently used for trading!However, it should be noted that the securities license of the Seychelles FSA. Although it can operate other financial products such as foreign exchange, this will be limited by regional jurisdictions. This requires that Huiyou will distinguish it by yourself under different jurisdictions!


At the same time, I know that I found that Etomarkets' company in Seychelles and the entity name of the company in San Vincent are very close!Considering the reputation of Etomarkets, I understand that Brother strongly suspects that it is suspected of confusing the company's entity!

The above is all the contents of my brother today, I hope to give Hui friends a certain reference role.And attract the attention and attention of Huiyou!


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