SPREADEX Sports Lottery is a "bottomless hole", and the license held by the Gambling Commission has already expired!Intersection

2024-05-11 12:13:29 资讯 要懂汇

Spreadex's license to hold at the British Gambling Commission has already expired, and there are no platforms, and investment risks are extremely high!Intersection

When it comes to Sports Caibo, from ancient times to the present, some people are happy and some are worried, some people watch the ball late at night, some bet on gambling, some are full of money, and some are losing the family.In front of the case, why are there still many people who choose to let go to bet?!

As early as 2014, CCTV was named on Sohu News. Everyone is nothing more than a reward rate higher than the country.

Today, the truth brother is to analyze this broker Spreadex. On the surface, it is the only company that provides two sports gaming options (fixed odds and points of betting) and financial transactions, but it is actually very different!Intersection

Spreadex claims to be "established in 1999 and supervised by the FCA and Gaming Commission, and enjoyed its reputation for its innovative products and excellent customer services."

Then let's take a look at this regulatory license first ~

▶ British regulatory license

According to the information found through the British Financial Behavior Regulatory Authority (FCA), SpreadExlimited is indeed regulated by the UK (FCA).

At the same time, the investment types of SpreadexLimited also include retail customers (Retail) and RollingSpotForexContract (foreign exchange margin transaction), so SpreadExlimited can provide financial services.

However, the company's investment transactions have certain limitations. The investment activities of "investment rights or rights (based on contract)" are limited to the type of investment granted for this event, which is authorized to engage in specific activities and product types.In addition, its platform does not have a formal trading platform, only self -developed trading platforms, this license is also false.

As shown in the figure above, after applying for its financial trading account, the truth brother found that Spreadex did not have a formal trading platform, only its self -developed trading software.

As we all know, the risk of self -developed software trading is extremely high, and it is not subject to the supervision of relevant institutions, so that you cannot know the whereabouts of funds.

Spreadex also seriously authorized SPREDEXLTD to be authorized and supervised by the SPREDEXLTD by its self -developed trading software.

▶ Financial trading website

In addition, when the truth brother applied for the SPREADEX account, he noticed that his treaty wrote: "SpreadExlimited is part of the SPREADEX Group, and is 100 % of the SportinglndexLimited."

Subsequently, the truth brother found SportinglndexLimited on the British government's official website. The business nature of this company is also gambling and betting activities.

In other words, the SPREADEXLIMITED company supervised by the UK (FCA) also has gambling and betting activities!Intersection

▶ Sports betting website SPREADEXLTD has multiple violations of regulations

On SPREDEX's sports gaming official website, Spreadex claims to be: " Sports betting provides industry -leading global sports competition odds, from Football to f1, horse racing handball.ahref =>

In terms of fixed odds and casinos, SPREADEXLTD is granted by the British by the British and supported by its regulatory responsible gambling.COM/SPORTS/EN-GB/_Blank "> 8835.

However, after verification, the truth brother has been verified that the type of gaming license of Spreadexlimited on the British Gambling Commission website is a non -remote gambling software license, and it has been expired for more than two years.

Secondly, in August 2020, Spreadexlimited was also investigated by the "police". The results of the investigation were SPREADEX payment instead of fines such as fines, withdrawals, public declarations, and commissions!Intersection

It is clearly mentioned in the details of this case, which clearly mentioned that SpreadExLimited:

XSpreamEx has defects in implementing anti -money laundering policies, procedures and control

政 The defects of responsible gambling policies, procedures, control and practices, including the weaknesses in implementation.

No information on the annual review and update of each year, nor does it consider and fully consider the information provided by the committee of the committee of money laundering and terrorist financing.

Therefore, the truth brother reminds everyone that small gambling is affectionate, big gambling hurts, not to mention that Spreadexlimited has multiple violations of the rules, it must be lost in gambling.

▶ Spreadex lied on the website and said on the website that holding the license of the Securities and Futures Commission

In addition, when the truth brother checked the list of suspicious platforms announced by the Hong Kong Securities Regulatory Commission, he also noticed that the name of Spreadex appeared on his list.

The company lies on its website that holding a license to the Securities Regulatory Commission, and unlicensed companies often use the names similar to legal companies, which can easily confuse investors.

Secondly, when the truth brother applied to register the SPREADEX Sports Caibo account, he found that it was impossible to apply for registration when choosing China, but it was open to Hong Kong, China.

In other words, as long as you choose to open an account, as long as the area is selected in Hong Kong, Chinese people can also open an account to participate. The truth brother can only hope to choose!Intersection

▶ Last summary

In short, the brokerage SPREADEX is actually the brand characteristics of the operating subject with sports gaming and sports points.Currently on the website of the British Gambling Commission, the type of gaming permit held by the company is a non -remote gambling software license, and SPREADEXLTD has multiple violations and is required to pay a fine.

Secondly, SpreadexLimited, which is supervised on the official website of the UK (FCA), can only engage in specific activities and product types. In addition, Spreadex does not have a formal trading platform, and the risk of funds is extremely high!Intersection

Therefore, the truth brother reminds everyone that for this kind of non -formal trading platform, the securities dealers who promotes sports lottery, everyone should try to avoid far away and avoid being deceived!Intersection

I would like to remind investors that investors need to be cautious, please brighten your eyes!Intersection

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