TAUREX shared the same license with the predecessor Zenfinex, thinking that it was a conscience that the conscience was actually a pickled face!

2024-05-11 12:52:05 资讯 要懂汇

Zenfinex said on its official website: "It has been renamed TAUREX, Zenfinex is still our B2B brand, committed to

Provide first -class liquidity solutions for the financial industry.On the other hand, Taux is developing into an investor's preferred broker, focusing on providing an excellent trading experience that cannot be found elsewhere."

Zenfinex declare on the official website that the company has gone through brand reshaping and strategic adjustment. It is now divided into two brands: Zenfinex and TAUREX, but is this really the case?Intersection

▶ Regulatory license

TAUREX is called the business name of Zenfinexgloballimited, StochasticAfricaslltd and ZenFinexgloballc.

G ☞ ☞ Registered in the Republic of Seychell, registered number: 8428731-1, and was supervised by the Seychel Financial Services Administration (license number SD092).

IStoChastiCafrica (SL) Limited

GZenFinexglobalLC is a company registered in St. Vinsont and Greennin -Dardine Financial Services Administration, with a registered number 138llc2019.

In addition, its official website also said that ZFNEUROPELTD is a company registered in Cyprus, with a registered number HE411334, which acts as the group's service provider.

By downloading the MT4/5 of the TAUREX platform, the truth brother pays attention to TAUREX's actual companies that actually use for transactions include the two companies, Zenfinexgloballimited and Zenfinexlimited. Next, let's see if these regulatory licenses are like it.The official website was supervised.

GZenFinexglobalImted (Seychelles)

Through the inquiries of the official website of the Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA), it can be confirmed that Zenfinexglobalimited does hold a regulatory license in Seychelles, but the truth brother should remind everyone that Seychelles is an island country, its company registration and financial license licenseApplication has some advantages. The application of its license is simple, the handling fee is low, and the supervision is low. Naturally, the flow of its account funds will not be found!Intersection

Then there is the URL filing on the official website of the Seychelil Financial Services Authority (FSA).The URL is https://www.tradetaurex.com/ , here we press the table first ~

Lzenfinexlimited (British company)

What is the British license supervision of TAUREX?Intersection

Inquiry on the official website of the British Financial Behavior Regulatory Authority (FCA), found the two companies that match it, one of which was named

Zenfinexlimited does hold the British (FCA) regulatory license, and it does have retail foreign exchange transaction permissions!

But have you noticed one thing, Zenfinexlimited, the website of this company is also http://www.zenfinex.co.uk/) The official website of the website filed on the official website is the official website of Zenfinex.

In summary, Zenfinex and TAUREX are on the surface, but in fact their operation is the same.

And it is well known that a company can only hold a license, even if it is a subsidiary or a parent company, it cannot share the license!IntersectionIntersection   

Therefore, TAUREX does not have legal operating qualifications, and there may be unsatisfactory problems!IntersectionIntersection

Presumably the investors' funds on the Internet become a mystery, maybe this problem accounts for the biggest!Intersection

It is recommended to investigate related regulatory agencies or law enforcement departments to ensure the fairness and transparency of the market. At the same time, investors should also treat such companies with caution to avoid unnecessary losses.

The above is the whole content that the truth brother shared with everyone today. For the insurance, investors who have already entered the gold will also succeed in paying the gold as soon as possible!Intersection

In the end, TAUREX scored 5.97 on the official website of the remittance supervision and query.Please pay attention!IntersectionI would like to remind investors that investors need to be cautious,

Please brighten your eyes!Intersection

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