Everyone knows that there may be scams in places with funds. Some black platforms have no bottom line. Huiyou will feedback such a platform as a fraud platform.Below I understand Brother, I will summarize some of these platforms to help everyone to avoid lightning!
You can directly check the supervision of JDR at the app to understand the exchange. In addition, the two offline physical companies displayed on the official website on the official website are located in St. Vincent and Australia. Let's check whether these companies hold supervision issued by the regulatory agency.license.
First of all, in the Australian ASIC official website inquiry, in its own AustralianFinanCialServicesLicEnsee (Australian Financial Services card holder) option, JDR's Australian licenses were not found.
However, after understanding the "financial service authorization representative" (AR), I found that JDR holds multiple relevant licenses, and the licensed license with the regulatory certificate is: 001296086, the name of the licensed company is [JDRSECURITIESPTYLTD]]Essence
This license is an AR license for the Australian ASIC license that JDR claims to hold.The real licensed company of this license is [RoyalfinanCialtrandingptyltd], so Australia ASIC does not directly supervise JDR's Australian entities [JDRSECURITITIESPTYLTD].
Moreover, this license only provides general financial product suggestions.Application, acquisition, change or disposal represent another financial product, and can only wholesale customers and cannot serve customers on ordinary retail.
To put it simply, this license is AR license, which is not regulated by regulatory agencies Australia ASIC, and does not have a comprehensive regulatory agency's authorization of foreign exchange transactions. It is invalid supervision.
On the official website JDR also showed the entity [JDRSECURITIESLIMITED] located in Saint Vincent. Unfortunately, it is unfortunately who knows that Brother has not checked the regulatory license of SVGFSA.
In addition, I know that Brother New Zealand also finds a company of the same name company [JDRSECURITIESLIMITED], but the official license plate of JDR New Zealand [JDRSECURITIESLITED] in New Zealand FMA officials.Therefore, this license cannot be used for transactions with investors, and be vigilant!
We found that the revolutionary brokerage was supervised by the three regulators on the official website of OnePro, namely:
Oneproglobal (MAURITIUS) Limited is authorized by Merimus (FSC), and the license number is GB20025905.
The Mauriti licenses belong to offshore supervision. Everyone knows that offshore supervision usually has relatively weak supervision and binding power of financial institutions, which may lead to illegal activities using offshore supervision vulnerabilities.
Oneprogroupnzlimited is a company officially registered in New Zealand with the company number 8176815.
We found the information about OneProgroupnzlimited on the official website of New Zealand (FSP).
Personal and group organizations that provide financial services in New Zealand need legal FSP registration and declaration.However, FSP registration does not mean supervision. It is just an information registration system, similar to ordinary industrial and commercial registration numbers.What really supervised financial service providers is the New Zealand Financial Market Authority (FMA).
The display of FSPR registration and FMA supervision will be different. It is mainly reflected in the FINANCIALSERVICES column. Those who are regulated by FMA will have a column of Derivativesissuer (derivative distributor), including authorization status, application time, time of authorization, authorization agency, etc.Essence
In other words, the OneProGroupnzlimited regulatory license holding the OnePROGROUPNZLIMITED company cannot regulate foreign exchange transactions. Everyone should pay attention!Intersection
OneproglobalItid is a company officially registered in Hong Kong with a company number of 3016554.
I found the information about OnePROGLOBALLIMITED at the China Hong Kong Checker Center, but did not find the company's information in the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (SFC), which means that OneProgloballimity has been registered in Hong Kong and has not been registered in SFC.Get the corresponding registration and licenses.This means that the company is not substantially supervised by securities and futures affairs in Hong Kong.