Gold Vitamin: Magical Health Secret

2024-05-26 16:15:30 资讯 要懂汇

Gold Vitamin: Magical Health Secret

Gold vitamin, also known as vitamin D, is an important nutrients and has a effect on human health.It is called "gold" because it has a very important position in maintaining physical health.This article will explore the magic of gold vitamins in depth.

Gold Vitamin: Magical Health Secret

What is gold vitamin?

First of all, let's find out what is gold and vitamins.Gold vitamin actually refers to vitamin D, which includes two forms: D2 and D3.Both forms can be obtained through sunlight or food intake.The human body needs sufficient golden vitamins to maintain bone health, normal operation of immune system, and many other important functions.

Sunshine and gold vitamin

Sunshine is one of the most natural and effective ways. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet lines, the body will start to synthesize and activate this important nutrients.Therefore, receiving sunshine in the daily amount of sunlight is very beneficial to maintaining sufficient level of blood in the blood active VIT D.

Food is rich in VIT D

VIT D can also be obtained through food crickets. Higher content such as oilberries, liver, animal and plant oil, etc. in certain foods are rich in VIT D. and milk and grain products can also provide additional dose VD.

VIT D affects bone health on bone health

Vitamin D plays an important role in absorption of calcium, which can promote calcium ions to absorb in small intestines, thereby increasing serum calcium concentration. Regularly taking VDs can effectively prevent the development of pillar disease, so that adults and elderly people will reduce development joint degradation.

Vitamin D affects the cardiovascular system

Vitamin D can help regulate the pressure of the heart and change the cholestering, avoiding the risk of increasing the increasing production rate of dynamic stroke pharynx. At the same time, it can also inhibit the oxidation Yingse reaction and reduce the production of oxygen free radicals.

Vitamin's effect on cancer prevention

Vitamin D contains about the binding part of a genetic promoter, which covers the entire cancerous process .. After long -term observation, it is proved to take VDs to reduce the development rate of breast cancer ..

High Dose Vitamin is in the significance of treatment < /h4>

Conclusion < /h2>