The top ten brands of the Golden Brand announced: The bright stars who lead the fashion trend

2024-09-27 17:01:58 资讯 要懂汇

Golden Top Ten Brands Ranking

In the fashion industry, the status and influence of the brand has always attracted much attention.Every year, the top ten brand rankings are the focus of attention to industry people and fashion enthusiasts.This ranking not only represents the strength and influence of the brand, but also the vane of fashion trends.Let's take a look at the bright stars who lead the fashion trend this year.


Chanel, as a century -old shop, is still steadily sitting in this ranking.His classic design and noble and luxurious image are loved by the global elite class. Both perfumes, clothing, or accessories have shown extreme elegance and temperament.


Gucci ranked second in its avant -garde, luxurious but classic temperament.The brand has always adhered to the concept of combining traditional Italian craftsmanship and modern design, and has become a choice for many stars and celebrities.

Louis vuitton

Louis Vuitton is famous for its long -lasting and creative sexy, ranking third place.LV bags, leather goods and other products have always maintained high -end luxury images, and have many loyal fans worldwide.


Burberry is the fourth place with its British style and elegant design.This brand with a century -old history and carried the royal glory background, continuously innovating and developing on the basis of retaining tradition.


Prada, as an Italian luxury giant, ranked fifth in this ranking.The brand is famous for its simplicity and modern style, and has won extensive recognition with its unique design.

The top ten brands of the Golden Brand announced: The bright stars who lead the fashion trend


The above is the top ten gold brand rankings this year!These stars who lead the fashion trend show the top standards in terms of design, materials and craftsmanship, and become things chasing and worship in the minds of countless people.Looking forward to them to continue to bring us more surprises and amazing!