
2024-09-01 17:01:57 金融资讯 要懂汇






地缘政治风险也是影响国际 gold price 走势的重要因素之一。当发生地区冲突、战争或政治不稳定事件时,投资者通常会寻求避险资产来保值。由于历史上被视为安全港的特性,在这些情况下, 黃 can often see a surge in demand and price.

美元汇率与 gold price 的关系

The relationship between the US dollar exchange rate and the price of gold is also an important factor to consider. As gold is priced in US dollars, when the value of the dollar weakens, it usually leads to an increase in the price of gold. This is because investors holDIng other currencies can buy more gold with their currency when the dollar is weaker.

Fed 利率政策与市场预期对走向预期有何关联?

The Federal Reserve's interest rate policy and market expectations are closely related to future expectations. When interest rates are low or expected to be cut, it tends to support higher prices for gold as it becomes less attractive to hold cash or bonds that yield lower returns comPARed to holding physical assets like gold.

In conclusion,

In conclusion, international factors such as global economic conditions, geopolitical risks, US dollar exchange rates, and central bank policies all play a role in influencing the fluctuation of international gold prices. Investors should pay close attention to these factors when ****yzing trends in order to make informed decisions about investing in this precious metal.