Thailand's gold price one gram forecast in 2023

2024-10-09 15:29:03 资讯 要懂汇

Thailand's gold price one gram forecast

With the continuous development and change of the global economy, gold, as an important precious metal, has attracted much attention in the investment field.This article will analyze the price trend of Thailand from multiple perspectives and predict.

The impact of global macroeconomic situation on Thai gold prices

The global macroeconomic situation is one of the important factors affecting the price of gold.Since the beginning of the year, affected by factors such as the new crown epidemic and geopolitical tensions, global economic growth has slowed down, and investors have risen risk aversion, which has promoted gold demand.According to analysts and market trends, in the first half of the year, because the market still had concerns about inflation pressure, monetary policy and other problems, they may continue to support the demand for safe -haven assets.

The impact of supply and demand relationship and geopolitical risks on the price of gold in Thailand

In addition to the macroeconomic situation, the relationship between supply and demand and geopolitical risks is also one of the important factors that determine the trend of the gold price.In terms of supply, it is restricted by factors such as mining resources and production capacity; in terms of demand, it is affected by various factors such as consumer purchasing power and investors' emotions.In addition, in terms of geopolitical risks, various uncertain incidents may cause market panic and push up the demand for hedging assets such as gold.

Technical analysis and market expectations for Thai gold price trend forecast

Technical analysis and market expectations are also one of the important basis for judging the future trend of gold in Thailand.Through chart analysis, historical data comparison, and collection of expert opinion collection, you can better grasp the love clues.According to the current technical indicators and the general market view, it is believed that in the next few months, there may be recovery or fluctuation adjustments, and gradually break through the resistance level.

Conclusion and Outlook

Overall, from the second half of the year to the beginning of the year, the fluctuation range is relatively large, but the overall shows a stable and rising movement. Although there are many uncertainties, such as the Federal Reserve ’s interest rate hikes accelerate, the scene enters the inventory cycle to enter the inventory cycleHowever, the European Central Bank has recently ended the QE yield to reverse the decline in advance; in addition, the recently announced CPI rate of the CPI in the euro zone has increased by 4%, which has driven European bond yields to skyrocket;+ The mid -length MA moving average runs up.At the same time, we need to pay attention to judging the current round of the bulls.

Thailand's gold price one gram forecast in 2023