Gold microclica is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy. By using gold microneedles on specific acupoints for ** to achieve the purpose of treating various health problems.This article will focus on the treatment effects and time expectations of gold microneedles.
Gold micro -needle 痧 As a new type of traditional Chinese medicine theory combined with modern technology, its main role is to regulate the operation of human qi and blood through ** acupoints, promote the smoothness of the meridians, and achieve relief, removing wind, cold, Tongluo, TongluoStop bleeding and other effects.In practical applications, gold micro -needles can effectively alleviate a variety of health problems such as chronic bone joint injuries, nervous system problems, and endocrine disorders.
According to clinical observation and scientific experiments, the gold microcotential sand out of the sand has obvious sedative cough, sedative asthma, and inhibitory infection.At the same time, it can also improve the active role of the body exemption.
For different types of health issues, the time required for the gold micro -needle will also be different.Generally speaking, after starting to accept the sunspots, you may immediately feel some feelings of changing the muscles or local numbness of the other muscles.
But it takes a long time to get a long -lasting and stable change.For patients with mild or early stages, it may be obvious to see obvious improvements in just a few times of gangsters; and for chronic recurrence or high degree of severity, it is necessary to adhere to and cooperate with other drugs or physical governance for a long time to obtain it to obtainSatisfaction results.
Overall, the scraping of another sunspots can bring people to quickly alleviate physical discomfort and rapid recovery function; and in order to completely bother to bother themselves for many years, or even desperate and helplessly, it needs a complete and in -depth process.